
The Archiving Scheme provides funding support for the development of an archiving culture in the Irish broadcasting sector which will contribute to the preservation of Ireland’s broadcasting heritage. It relates to programme material and advertisements broadcast in whole or in part, or recorded for broadcast, on radio and/or television. 

Recently funded projects

Examples of recently funded projects include: 

The Irish Adverts Archive:

This project created a substantial Irish TV advertising archive of national memory and cultural artefacts. Visit the online archive.

The RTÉ Acetate Disc Collection:

In 2023 RTÉ Archives made available to the public a collection of audio recordings originally held on acetate tapes and made between the late 1930s and early 1970s. The full collection is available to the public.

The Loopline Collection:

A treasure trove of documentaries now stored in the IFI Irish Film Archive, chosen by Sé Merry Doyle for their cultural and social importance. A selection of titles is available to watch on the IFI Player.