Understanding media

We live in a fast-paced world where news travels extremely fast, in various formats. In Ireland, we know that people get the majority of their news online. We know that people access their news through a variety of formats such as television and radio, but also through podcasts and social media.

Many of our everyday transactions happen online, like shopping or banking, and the world is a lot smaller now that we can connect with others via social media or gaming. The internet has given us a world of opportunities and choices, as well as a wealth of information.

However, sometimes these new interactions create problems. With an array of information at our fingertips, it can be harder to know what to trust or who the expert is on various topics. Misinformation, disinformation and the rise in artificial intelligence (AI) can make it difficult to trust what we see and hear in the media. Democracies, elections and fundamental rights can be under attack when those sharing disinformation spread lies or uncertainty around a certain candidate, party, or event.  

Media literacy aims to empower people with the skills and knowledge to make informed choices about the media content and services that they consume, create and disseminate. As a media regulator, Coimisiún na Meán has a statutory role in undertaking, encouraging and fostering research and activities to promote media literacy. Through our facilitation of Media Literacy Ireland we promote initiatives, campaigns, training and knowledge sharing about media literacy.

What is media literacy?

Media literacy includes a range of skills and competencies that people can develop to understand how media works in this changing environment. In our policy on Media Literacy we don’t give a definition of media literacy, but our overarching goal is to empower Irish people with the skills and knowledge to make informed choices about the media content and services that they consume, create and disseminate. Media literacy is important for everyone, and in our changing media landscape the development of media literacy skills is a life-long endeavour.  

What does Coimisiún na Meán do in relation to media literacy? 

Coimisiún na Meán has a statutory obligation to undertake, encourage and foster research and activities to promote media literacy. As such, there is a unit in our organisation called Media Literacy and User Education which aims to provide leadership and facilitate a coordinated approach to the promotion of media literacy in Ireland. We develop campaigns such as the Spot it Flag it Stop it campaign, as well as being involved in the evaluation of media literacy initiatives under the Online Safety Framework. Since the publication of the Media Literacy Policy in 2016, Coimisiún na Meán (formerly Broadcasting Authority of Ireland) has facilitated the multi-stakeholder network Media Literacy Ireland and has a permanent position on their Steering Committee as co-chair. We also work in this area on an international level and sit as chair on the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA) Media and Information Literacy Taskforce as well as being involved in the EPRA steering committee.

What does Media Literacy Ireland do?

Media Literacy Ireland (MLI) is an informal alliance of individuals and organisations who work together on a mainly voluntary basis to promote media literacy in Ireland. Funded and facilitated by Coimisiún na Meán, MLI has a membership of around 350 individuals and organisations, all of whom have an interest in media literacy. Decision-making in MLI happens through a Steering Committee and its work plan looks at coordination, innovation, communication and promotion of media literacy initiatives.  

MLI events and initiatives

MLI hosts an annual conference for its members. This year, the conference took place on the 4th December in the Foundry, with a theme of ‘Media Literacy for All’. For anyone who missed it, you can watch some parts back. Following a pilot in 2023, the MLI Awards were hosted in Virgin Media studios on the 21st November. This event was a fantastic celebration of the media literacy initiatives that are taking place all over Ireland. See what the judges had to say about the winning entries. What’s most noteworthy about Media Literacy Ireland is the reach it had with its Be Media Smart campaign. Now in its fifth iteration, this campaign asks the public to Stop, Think and Check if information online is accurate before sharing. There’s also a website called BE MEDIA SMART with lots of tips and facts for the public about media literacy.