Broadcast licensing

The licensing activities of Coimisiún na Meán can be proactive or reactive depending on the type of broadcast licence.

Proactive licensing

We initiate the licensing activities for analogue commercial and community television and radio services and set application deadlines. To do this, we devise and publish our licensing plans detailing the types of services that may be licensed and their franchise areas/communities. These plans provide for both the establishment of new services and the continuation of existing services subject to the availability of spectrum.   

Reactive licensing

There are types of radio services and television services for which applications can be submitted throughout the year by aspirant service providers.  We can award broadcasting contracts for temporary (30-day) radio, 100-day pilot community radio, and content provision contracts (digital) for television and radio services.  

The current Broadcasting Services Strategy (PDF) provides guidance on our licensing policy and activities. The Strategy outlines the vision for the optimum mix of broadcasting services. It sets out how we will apply our statutory functions and regulatory practices over the lifetime of the strategy to facilitate the realisation of that vision. You can read more about our approach to regulatory measures (PDF) concerning sound broadcasting services.

We expect to publicly consult on our review and update of the Broadcasting Services Strategy and related regulatory measures in 2025.  

In our licensing activities, we also endeavour to ensure diversity and transparency in the control of communications media operating in the Irish State. Coimisiún na Meán has a Media Plurality Policy (PDF) and implements a range of plurality activities including advising the Minister on media mergers. We have also published an Ownership and Control Policy (PDF) to inform the ownership and control element of applications for broadcasting contracts. This includes an overview of the assessment of relevant requests for variations to contracts, as well as any compliance issues that may arise subsequently in respect of such contracts. We endeavour to ensure that our regulatory arrangements operate proportionately, fairly and consistently. In this regard, the Policy provides clarity and certainty in respect of the regulatory approach to be adopted and the rules that will apply.

TV licensing

Radio licensing

Broadcasting contract

The Broadcasting Act 2009 identifies the range of broadcasting and content provision contracts that we can enter into and provides the regulatory framework in which these contracts are awarded and operate.  

These include contracts awarded under: 

  • Section 66 and 67 (Sound Broadcasting Contracts)
  • Section 70 (the national Television Programme Service Contract)
  • Section 71 (Content Provision Contracts)
  • Section 72 (Community Content Provision Contracts)
  • Section 131 (Multiplex Contracts)

The terms and conditions attached to a broadcasting contract will be determined by the type of service applied for, and the legislative requirements relating to the type of service. A contract awarded by Coimisiún na Meán will be publicly available on request from our offices. 

We monitor broadcasters’ compliance with the terms of their broadcasting contracts through various activities, including managing audience complaints, compliance audits/reviews, and listening to and/or watching broadcast content.  

A broadcaster must seek our prior approval for any contract terms changes. For example, changes to its ownership and control structure or programming commitments. We consider such changes in accordance with the applicable legislative requirements and related policies.