
Our regulatory work is underpinned by a range of European laws and by international standards. As home to some of the most prominent online and social media platforms, Ireland plays a unique role on the international stage.

This means international engagement is a critical part of our work, supporting our overall mission to ensure a thriving, diverse and safe online and media landscape.

What we do

We run a programme of formal and informal international cooperation. This involves active and leading participation in our regulatory networks, bilateral meetings with the European Commission and other relevant counterparts, and opportunities to exchange views on online safety and media policy matters with policymakers, academics and civil society organisations in Europe and around the world.  

Coimisiún na Meán staff frequently speak at international conferences and events to further our aims of sharing best practice and learning from the rest of the world. 

Our International Team manages a programme of international engagement that allows us to collaborate closely with our fellow regulators in Europe and around the world, and to influence regulatory developments in the sectors that matter to us. We are always seeking to learn, so that our policy and enforcement work reflects international best practice, as well as actively sharing our own experiences and expertise with our counterparts and other experts abroad.

Our regulatory networks

We work closely with regulatory counterparts in Digital Platform and Media Regulation, in particular through:  

We hold leading positions in many of these networks, including a position on the Board of ERGA, Vice-Chair of GOSRN and Senior Vice-Chair of EPRA. 

The international regulatory landscape 

Many of our responsibilities are grounded in European law, and so we closely follow its application by other EU Member States and developments. This includes:

Contact the International Team

If you would like to learn more about our international work, if you need to speak to us about cross-border regulatory issues, if you would like one of our colleagues to speak at events outside Ireland, or if your organisation is interested in visiting us – please contact the International Team at [email protected]