Coimisiún na Meán seeks applications for Sponsorship Scheme

Funding of up to €150,000 available for media-related events and activities

Ireland’s media regulator and development agency Coimisiún na Méan, has today (14.11.23) opened a call for applications under its Sponsorship Scheme to support a range of media-related events and activities during 2024.

Up to €150,000 of funding is available. Applicants may seek sponsorship for one-off events / activities; elements within a larger event or programme of activities, or a series of connected events / activities. 

Coimisiún na Meán aims to ensure a thriving, diverse and safe online and media landscape and is seeking applications to sponsor events and activities that align with its Work Programme, support the development of the wider media sector and raise awareness of An Coimisiún’s work.

Commenting, Media Development Commissioner Rónán Ó Domhnaill said: “The Sponsorship Scheme is a great opportunity for applicants to seek support for their media-related activities in planning for the new year. An Coimisiún is looking forward to funding proposals that support the development, creativity, and diversity of the media sector, and promote and reflect our Work Programme.”

The closing date for receipt of applications to the Sponsorship Scheme is noon on Tuesday, 12th December 2023. Further details on eligibility and how to apply can be found in the guide and application form.


Media contact: Joanne Ahern, DHR Communications, Tel: 087-9881837

All other queries: BAI, 01-6441200.

Notes for Editors:

About Coimisiún na Meán:

Coimisiún na Meán is Ireland’s new commission for regulating broadcasters, on-demand services, and online media, and supporting media development. Established in March 2023 under the Online Safety and Media Regulation Act 2022, it builds on the work of its predecessor, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. It is responsible for ensuring and maintaining a thriving and diverse media landscape in Ireland that facilitates a mix of voices, opinions and sources of news and current affairs, as well as a safe online environment.

Its responsibilities are to:

  • Oversee the funding of and support the development of the wider media sector in Ireland.
  • Oversee the regulation of broadcasting and video-on-demand services.
  • Develop and enforce the Irish regulatory regime for online safety.

News Update – VSPS Designation Decision Framework 

Coimisiún na Meán has today published a Designation Decision Framework for video-sharing platform services (“VSPS Designation Decision Framework”) to inform individual providers of online services of the assessment and decision-making process it intends to follow, in order to determine whether a named service meets the defining criteria of a video-sharing platform services (“VSPS”) and whether the provider of such a service is under the jurisdiction of Ireland.  

Under the Broadcasting Act 2009 as amended, EU Member States are required to ensure that VSPS providers under their jurisdiction take appropriate measures to protect young people from content which may impair their physical, mental or moral development. Members States are also required to protect the general public from illegal content and from content containing incitement to violence or to hatred and ensure that providers of VSPS comply with advertising requirements and standards on these services. 

The VSPS Designation Decision Framework supports evidence-based, transparent, consistent, and proportionate decision-making by the Commission in the exercise of its statutory functions. It is informed by the statutory provisions of the 2009 Act and also references information to which the Commission shall have regard to, including a report prepared by the consulting body PA Consulting. The Commission will draw on, among other sources, the data sources identified in the report, including questions, indicators, and metrics relevant to a VSPS designation, its own research and the European Guidelines on the application of the essential functionality criterion. 


Coimisiún na Meán approves €2.4m in additional funding for commercial radio sector under Sound & Vision scheme

Ireland’s new media regulator and media development agency, Coimisiún Na Meán has today (07.11.23) approved funding of €2.4m for the independent commercial radio sector under the Sound & Vision 4 Broadcasting Funding Scheme. Allocations to individual radio stations range from €35,000 to €95,000. The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin TD, made the funding available for this special round of the scheme, administered by Coimisiún na Meán.

Commercial radio stations will use this funding to produce programmes covering a range of topics of interest to their listeners, agreed in consultation with the Independent Broadcasters of Ireland. The topics are Media Literacy; Digital Transformation; Gender, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion, and Developing Communities and Communities of Interest.

Media Development Commissioner Rónán Ó Domhnaill said: “We would like to thank Minister Martin for the provision of this funding, which will enable the independent commercial radio sector to develop high quality, new and additional programming to engage their audiences around the country. The funding will also assist stations to explore opportunities that increase audience engagement through training and outreach activities, in particular for minorities and newer communities.”

A full list of the successful projects being offered funding for Round 50 is available to download here.

Round 51 of the Scheme is now open, seeking funding applications from broadcasters and independent producers, and the closing date for this round is Thursday, 14th December 2023. Further details can be found here.


Media contact: Joanne Ahern / Síona Cahill, DHR Communications, Tel: 087-9881837 / 087-7530255.

All other queries: Coimisiún na Meán, 01-6441200.

Notes for Editors:

  • Media Development Commissioner, Rónán Ó Domhnaill is available for interview, on request.

About the Sound and Vision Scheme:

Sound and Vision 4 is a funding scheme for television and radio programmes and developing broadcasting, established under the provisions of the Broadcasting Act 2009 as amended. The Scheme supports the production of high-quality programmes on Irish culture, heritage and experience, and programmes to include adult literacy.

There are six objectives for the Scheme:

 • Develop high quality programmes based on Irish culture, heritage, and experience

• Develop these programmes in the Irish language,

• Increase the availability of programmes referred to above to audiences in the State

• Represent the diversity of Irish culture and heritage

• Record oral Irish heritage and aspects of Irish heritage which are disappearing, under threat, or have not been previously recorded, and,

• Develop local and community broadcasting.

About Coimisiún na Meán:

Coimisiún na Meán is Ireland’s new commission for regulating broadcasters, on-demand services, and online media, and supporting media development. Established in March 2023 under the Online Safety and Media Regulation Act 2022, it builds on the work of its predecessor, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. It is responsible for ensuring and maintaining a thriving and diverse media landscape in Ireland that facilitates a mix of voices, opinions and sources of news and current affairs, as well as a safe online environment.

Its responsibilities are to:

  • Oversee the funding of and support the development of the wider media sector in Ireland.
  • Oversee the regulation of broadcasting and video-on-demand services.
  • Develop and enforce the Irish regulatory regime for online safety.

Sound & Vision Broadcasting Funding Scheme Round 51 Open

Comisiún na Meán has today opened Round 51 of the Sound & Vision Broadcasting Funding Scheme. An Coimisiún welcomes funding applications from broadcasters and independent producers to support the production of culturally valuable broadcast content, including content in the Irish language. Prospective applicants can access the relevant Guides and Forms for Round 51 via the links below.  All applications must be submitted via  

Television Application Documentation 

Radio Application Documentation 

The Round will close at 12noon sharp on 14th December 2023.  A total budget of €6.9m is available under this Round. The Round will also have a specific focus on programmes that support gender, equality, diversity, and inclusion, with a particular focus on integration and the voices of new Irish communities.  

An Coimisiún will run separate Radio and TV Zoom webinars for prospective applicants on the 7th of November. 

  • Please register here to attend the Radio applicant webinar at 11am on the 7th of November.  
  • Please register here to attend the TV applicant webinar at 3pm on the 7th of November. 


Extended Deadline – Levy Consultation

On the 2 October 2023, Coimisiún na Meán published a Levy Consultation.

Following requests from the industry, the Commission has agreed to extend the deadline by one day. The new deadline for submissions is Wednesday, 1 November 2023.

Submission can be made to and a copy of the Levy Consultation may be found here.


Be Media Smart campaign urges people to Stop, Think, and Check to combat disinformation

Campaign launch marks Global Media and Information Literacy Week

People across Ireland are being urged to ‘stop, think, and check’ before accepting, repeating, or reposting information they come across from any source.

The call is part of the latest ‘Be Media Smart’ campaign, which kicks off today (24.10.23), to improve media literacy in Ireland, and mark UNESCO’s Global Media and Information Literacy Week.

The Be Media Smart campaign is an initiative of Media Literacy Ireland (MLI) and aims to raise awareness of the importance of knowing how to verify information; provide tips and guidance on how to check the accuracy and reliability of information, and signpost people to additional sources of support and training. MLI and the ‘Be Media Smart’ campaign are supported by Coimisiún na Meán – Ireland’s new media regulator and media development agency.

The campaign is supported by a wide range of Irish media, with adverts in Irish and in English running across community, commercial, and public service TV and radio stations, as well as in news publications and on social media.

A key part of the 2023 campaign is the Be Media Smart Community Training Programme. Developed by EDMO Ireland – the European Digital Media Observatory Ireland – this programme will run across October and November and is expected to train more than 100 community-based leaders, coaches, and librarians and provide them with the resources to deliver Be Media Smart workshops in communities across the country, in English and in Irish.

Commenting, Coimisiún na Meán’s Media Development Commissioner, Rónán Ó Domhnaill said: “Media literacy is an essential life skill for everyone to be able to successfully navigate the modern world in which we live. Promotion of media literacy is a priority for Coimisiún na Meán. We are proud to work with Media Literacy Ireland and support the ‘Be Media Smart’ campaign, which aims to help people to critically assess media content and reduce the impact of misinformation and disinformation.”

As part of the campaign, the Be Media Smart website has had a refresh, including the addition of an ‘Ask an Expert’ section, where members of the public can put media literacy related questions to a panel of experts.

National Co-Ordinator of Media Literacy Ireland, Martina Chapman said: “Now more than ever, it is so important for people to have confidence in the information that they encounter on a daily basis. The ‘Be Media Smart’ campaign gives people tips and advice on how to Stop, Think, and Check the accuracy and reliability of information. We are privileged to have some of the leading experts in media literacy in Ireland on our ‘Ask an Expert’ panel – from academics, to journalists, to people who specialise in internet safety for children and young people.”

The ‘Be Media Smart’ campaign runs from today until the end of November, with activity expected to continue until the end of the year.

Visit for further information.


Media Contact Coimisiún na Meán: Síona Cahill / Joanne Ahern, DHR Communications. Tel: 087-753 0255 / 087-9881837

Media Literacy Ireland: Martina Chapman,

Notes for Editors:

  • The Be Media Smart expert panel includes: Dr Claire McGuinness, Assistant Professor at UCD’s School of Information and Communication Studies; Dr Eileen Culloty, Researcher at the DCU Institute for Future Media and Journalism (FuJo); Dr Marta Bustillo, Digital Learning Librarian at University College Dublin; Dr Ricardo Castellini Da Silva, European Digital Media Observatory, DCU; Dr Eugenia Siapera, Professor of Information and Communication Studies and head of the ICS School at UCD; Ciaran O’Connor, Senior Analyst with the Institute for Strategic Dialogue; Stephen McDermott, The Journal Factcheck, and Jane McGarrigle, Project Officer, Webwise.
  • Media Literacy Ireland National Co-Ordinator, Martina Chapman and members of the expert panel are available for interview.
  • Details of the community-based training programme can be found on

About Coimisiún na Meán:

Coimisiún na Meán is Ireland’s new commission for regulating broadcasters, on-demand services and online media, and supporting media development. Established in March 2023 under the Online Safety and Media Regulation Act 2022, it builds on the work of its predecessor, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. It is responsible for ensuring and maintaining a thriving and diverse media landscape in Ireland that facilitates a mix of voices, opinions and sources of news and current affairs, as well as a safe online environment.

Its responsibilities are to:

  • Oversee the funding of and support the development of the wider media sector in Ireland.
  • Oversee the regulation of broadcasting and video-on-demand services.
  • Develop and enforce the Irish regulatory regime for online safety.

About Media Literacy Ireland:

Media Literacy Ireland is an informal alliance of organisations and individuals who are working together on a voluntary basis to promote media literacy in Ireland. Facilitated by Coimisiún na Meán, as part of its commitment to promoting media literacy, MLI brings together a wide range of members from sectors such as the media, academia, online platforms, libraries and civil society.  

News update: e-Commerce Compliance Strategy

The Commission published its e-Commerce compliance consultation on 11 July 2023 and received one submission from Technology Ireland on the 16th August 2023. Following review of  the submission received, the Commission has now finalised its e-Commerce Compliance Strategy. A copy of the Strategy, published on the 6th October last, can be found here.

The strategy set out the Commission’s approach to ensuring that:

(a) no requirements that are inconsistent with the limitations placed on the liability of intermediary service providers by regulations 16 to 18 of the European Communities (Directive 2000/31/EC) Regulations 2003 ( S. I. No. 68 of 2003 ), and

(b) no general obligation on providers, when providing the services covered by regulations 16 to 18 of those Regulations, to monitor the information which they transmit or store, and no general obligation actively to seek facts or circumstances indicating illegal activity, contrary to Article 15 of the E-Commerce Directive,

are imposed, by virtue of online safety codes or online safety guidance materials or advisory notices.


Sound & Vision 4 – Upcoming Funding Rounds Announced 

Coimisiún na Meán has announced details of upcoming funding rounds under the Sound & Vision 4 Scheme.  

Round 51 – Sound & Vision ‘Open’ Round 

Up to €6.9m in funding is available under Round 51 which will open on 31st October for broadcasters and independent producers to support the production of culturally valuable broadcast content, including content in the Irish language. Round 51 will also have a focus on content that supports equality, diversity, and inclusion, with a particular focus on integration and the voice of the new Irish communities. This round closes at 12noon on Thursday, 14th December 2023

Round 52 – Social Benefit Round 

Up to €750,000 will be available under Round 52 of the Scheme for Community broadcasters to support Social Benefit projects in line with the Community Media Policy. Opening on the 3rd January 2024, this round will close at 12noon on the Thursday 8th February 2024.  

It is envisaged that the decisions for both rounds would be available in March 2024. Relevant Guidelines and Application Forms will be published on the Coimisiún na Meán website when each round opens.   


Coimisiún na Meán approves €6.4m in funding for broadcasters and producers under Sound & Vision scheme

Ireland’s new media regulator and media development agency, Coimisiún Na Meán has today (30.08.23) announced funding of €6.4m for broadcasters and independent producers under the Sound & Vision 4 Broadcasting Funding Scheme. The funding will be used to make high-quality programmes about Irish culture, heritage, and experience for broadcast on a range of national, local and community radio and TV services. A total of 35 radio projects and 22 TV projects have been successful in Round 49 of the scheme, following a competitive assessment process.

A total of 145 applications were received for this round of the scheme, seeking funding of just over €15.9m.  The 57 successful projects have a total value of approximately €6.4m.  This comprises funding of €543,000 to 35 radio projects and €5.86m to 22 TV projects.  The proposed package of recommendations will facilitate the production of projects based on Irish culture, heritage and experience, across 20 community, commercial and public service broadcasters. The funding recommendations cover a wide range of genres and formats, supporting a diversity of content for Irish audiences. Some 40% of the funding supports the production of programmes in Irish/Bi-lingual.

Regarding format, 46% of the funding will go to documentaries, 22% to dramas, 16% to entertainment, and 16% to animation programmes. Children’s programming and contemporary society were the most popular genres recommended for funding (25% each), followed by History / Heritage (19%); Arts / Culture (15%); science / nature / environment (11%) and Media Literacy (3%). Of the projects recommended for funding, 52 will be produced by independent producers/production companies, amounting to approximately 98% of the total recommended funding.

Overall, there is good representation of women in the five lead creative roles across television applications being recommended for funding. Between 66% – 83% of the roles for producer, writer, and editor in the relevant funded projects will be filled by women. Director (30%) and Director of Photography (33%) roles continue to favour men.

Some notable projects funded in this round include:

  • The Lost Children of Tuam: Produced by Element Films for RTÉ One, thisfeature dramafilm will tell the story of how Catherine Corless, an amateur historian, uncovered the truth about the Tuam Mother and Baby Home and how her campaign provoked a change in Ireland and beyond.
  • Báite: Produced by Danú Media for TG4, this drama takes viewers back to thesummer of 1975, where Peggy Casey, owner of the local pub is fighting to keep her business and her family together. However, when a body is found in a nearby lake her hopes appear to be dashed. This programme was developed through the Cine4 scheme to develop original feature films in the Irish language.
  • Maddie + Triggs: Produced by Turnip and Duck Ltd for RTÉjr, this animated series follows the adventures of a little girl called Maddie, who is vision-impaired, and her doggy best friend Triggs and their lives in the colourful town of Higgledy-Piggledy.
  • Borders and Lies: Produced by Mind the Gap Films DAC for Virgin Media One, this documentary focuses on media literacy and anti-immigration protests in Ireland and the role played by social media. Using real-life stories and expert analysis, it will look at the challenges and opportunities of media literacy in a digital era.
  • Untold Ireland:  This documentary series to be produced by and broadcast on Newstalk FM will amplify the voices of sometimes marginalised communities from across Ireland, including members of migrant communities, the Traveller Community, people with disabilities and the LGBTQI community.
  • Douglas Stories: Produced by Cork Community Television, this documentary series will see the older residents of the Cork suburb relating the stories of their lives there since the 1930s and how life has changed in that time.  

Commenting, Media Development Commissioner Rónán Ó Domhnaill said: “The Sound & Vision scheme supports the development of culturally valuable broadcast content for Irish audiences that reflects and shapes Irish society. The volume of applications to this round of the scheme, coupled with the level of funding sought, shows the ongoing high demand for funding to produce such programming. We were delighted with the standard of applications received and believe that the projects recommended for funding will result in a diversity of high-quality content on Irish culture and heritage across community, commercial and public service broadcasters. Many of these will also be available online and on various players, further increasing their impact.”  

The Sound & Vision scheme is funded through the television licence fee. A full list of the successful projects being offered funding for round 49 is available to download here.


Media contact: Síona Cahill / Patricia Ryan, DHR Communications, Tel: 087-7530255 / 087-2412928.

All other queries: Coimisiún na Meán, 01-6441200.

Notes for Editors:

  • Media Development Commissioner, Rónán Ó Domhnaill is available for interview, on request.

About Coimisiún na Meán:

Coimisiún na Meán is Ireland’s new commission for regulating broadcasters, on-demand services and online media, and supporting media development. Established in March 2023 under the Online Safety and Media Regulation Act 2022, it builds on the work of its predecessor, the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. It is responsible for ensuring and maintaining a thriving and diverse media landscape in Ireland that facilitates a mix of voices, opinions and sources of news and current affairs, as well as a safe online environment.

Its responsibilities are to:

  • Oversee the funding of and support the development of the wider media sector in Ireland.
  • Oversee the regulation of broadcasting and video-on-demand services.
  • Develop and enforce the Irish regulatory regime for online safety.

Latest JNLR figures released

The latest JNLR/Ipsos MRBI report into radio listening is published today (17.08.23).

On behalf of the JNLR Committee, a media release and summary information tables are available to download here.


Please note:

Media queries regarding individual programme or station performance should be directed to IPSOS MRBI or the relevant broadcaster.