Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 2014 allows members of the public access, on request, to records held by the Coimisiún na Meán.

It gives you the right to have your personal information corrected or updated, where such information is incomplete, incorrect or misleading, and to get reasons for decisions taken by Coimisiún na Meán that affect you.  

However, recognising the requirement for Coimisiún na Meán to be able to conduct its business in line with due process and procedure, there are exemptions provided for in the Act which may be applied to certain types of information in some circumstances. These are set out in the FOI Act, and key exemptions include:

  • confidential and commercially sensitive information
  • deliberations of FOI bodies
  • functions and negotiations of FOI bodies
  • personal information

If any of these exemptions are used to withhold information, the reasons will be clearly explained to you. Requests may also be refused if they are deemed too voluminous, but Coimisiún na Meán will work with the requester to simplify and/or modify the request.

Useful information and guidance on FOI is available on the government’s website,

Making a request

Requests for information under FOI must be made in writing and state that the information/record is sought under the FOI Act. You should give as much information as possible about the record/s you want, to enable us to identify the information you seek.  You can contact us for advice prior to making your request.

FOI requests should be submitted to [email protected].

Disclosure logs