Radio licensing

Analogue radio

Commercial FM services

The licensing process for commercial radio services on the AM and FM bands is initiated by us. 

There are currently 33 commercial radio services on air nationwide, regionally, and locally, providing a mix of news/speech-driven, music-driven, niche-music-driven, and local content-driven services. 

Licensing plans for these radio services are published by us and detail the types of services that may be licensed, their target audiences and franchise areas. These plans provide for both the establishment of new services and the continuation of existing services subject to spectrum availability.  

We publish guidelines and application forms under each licensing process, and an indicative broadcasting contract is provided below. Applicants should also consider the related licensing policies published by us, including the Broadcasting Services Strategy (PDF) and Ownership and Control Policy (PDF).  

Community, community of interest and special interest services 

The licensing process for community/community of interest/special interest radio services on the FM bands is initiated by us. 

21 community, community of interest, and special interest services are on air nationwide. These services address the interests of, and seek to provide a social benefit to, the community or community of interest served.  

We publish our licensing plans detailing any planned licensing processes for new and existing community radio services subject to spectrum availability. 

We publish guidelines and application forms under each licensing process, and an indicative broadcasting contract is provided below. Applicants should also consider the related licensing policies published by us, including the Community Media Policy and Social Benefit Framework.   

Temporary services 

We can award temporary sound broadcasting contracts for up to 30 days in 12 months (“a regular temporary service”). In addition, we can award a temporary sound broadcasting contract to an applicant group that is representative of and accountable to a community in a particular area or a community of interest in an area for up to 100 days in 12 months (“a pilot community temporary service”). 

Regular temporary sound broadcasting contracts of up to 30 days are typically awarded to educational and student groups and other groups for special event purposes, such as festivals, drive-in movies, and other small area services. We award approximately 15-20 such licences (PDF) per year. Approximately five pilot community temporary sound broadcasting contracts are awarded annually on a pilot basis to community groups in a particular franchise area interested in establishing a full-time community station in the future. 

Broadcasting such services without a contract from us is illegal, and details of any broadcaster operating illegally should be forwarded to ComReg. 

Applicants can apply for broadcasting contracts for temporary services at any time.

Institutional services  

Institutions such as colleges and hospitals can apply for institutional sound broadcasting contracts, which can be awarded for up to ten years.  

Applicants can apply for broadcasting contracts for institutional services at any time.

Section 71 content provision contracts

We operate an open (reactive) licensing process for the provision of programming as part of a multiplex or for the purpose of its being transmitted as a broadcasting service in the State, part of the State or elsewhere through an electronic communications network, including a satellite network, an MMD system, a fixed or mobile terrestrial network, a cable television network, an internet protocol television network, or any other form of electronic communications network.  

We have published Guidance and an Application Form for applicants seeking a content provision contract under section 71 of the Broadcasting Act 2009.