Registration of Media Service Providers

We have a statutory duty to establish and maintain a Register of Media Service Providers. A media service provider that is established in the Irish State and provides one or more audiovisual video-on-demand services has a corresponding statutory duty to notify its service(s) to us.   

The Register includes the following information in respect of each media service provider: 

  1. The name of the media service provider.  
  2. The public contact details (email and/or phone number).  
  3. The name(s) of each audiovisual on-demand media service provided by the media service provider.
  4. A description of the nature of the service and the nature of the content provided by the service.
  5. A statement of the basis upon which the media service provider considers that it is under the jurisdiction of the State.

The Register is subject to updates, changes and amendments on a continuing basis. 

Guidelines, Rules and Decision Framework

We have also published Rules and Guidelines in relation to the registration process and applicable statutory duties.

These explain the statutory requirements and how to notify us that you provide one or more audiovisual video-on-demand services. 

Notification Forms