Trusted flaggers
Article 22 of the Digital Services Act mandates that providers of online platforms shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the notices submitted by trusted flaggers acting within their designated area of expertise, are given priority and processed and decided upon without undue delay.
To be awarded the status of Trusted Flagger, an applicant must satisfy a number of conditions set out in Article 22. An applicant must demonstrate:
- they have particular expertise and competence for the purposes of detecting, identifying and notifying illegal content;
- they are independent from any provider of online platforms; and,
- they carry out their activities for the purposes of submitting notices diligently, accurately and objectively.
Entities which are established in Ireland may apply to us to be awarded Trusted Flagger status, provided they meet the conditions set out in Article 22 of the Digital Services Act. Trusted Flagger status cannot be awarded to individuals.
Trusted flaggers may be:
- Non-regulatory public entities
- Industry federations and trade associations
- NGOs
- Members of established fact-checkers networks
- Trade unions
- Private or semi-public bodies
- Networks
If you would like to apply for Trusted Flagger status or if you have any queries in relation to the application process, please email [email protected].